Here is the script:
Paris: We have encountered what would appear to be a Borg vessel.Tuvok: We must raise sheild and run the hell away.
Kim: They got a weapon that fires stuff. Its cool. huh huh
Janeway: NOOOOOOOO. We will not run we will run head on into them.
Chakotay: Are you daft woman?
Janeway: YES. Mr. Tuvok open fire. Ram them with one of our shuttles.
Tuvok: Captain, now would seem a good time to pioint out that I want my mommy.
Janeway: I will be your mommy...after you fire the phasers and the torpedeos.
Kim: They just did something and it like hurt our sheilds and stuff. Shields rule
Tuvok: Opening fire.
Paris: Intiating evasive manuevers. the Borg are matching us captain.
Tuvok: Mommy!!!!!
Chakotay: Can we do something incredibly stupid that shouldn't work but probably will?
Janeway: Sure, why not. It worked last week. Kim, Destroy them with our gravitron inverting emiter relay thingie.
Kim: Those suck...
Janeway: Oooooookaaaaaaay. Paris hail the Borg.....
Paris: Alrighty then.... Borg on recieving and returning hail....
Tuvok: I wonder why the Borg act so differently. When they attacked the tactically superior Enterpise they simply overwhelmed them.
Chakotay: Maybe they want the secret to the captains hair.
Tuvok: Doubtful.
Paris: Onscreen.
Janeway: I am Captain Jean Luc Sisko of the Federation Starship Bill. May I kill you painfully?
Borg: Nah, we just wanted to ask y'all directions to the Beta Quad. We done heard tell they got all kinds of neato freakazoids over in them there parts.
Kim: Gorn kick ass. Tholians rule huh huh huh.....
Janeway: I will give you directions if you will give me transwarp tech.
Borg: How about we take your ship, assimilate your crew, and make your hair into antimatter injector?
Tuvok: Comensing transmission of astronavigation files.
Janeway: Stop Tuvok...
Tuvok: I wanna live damn it.
Chakotay: I wanna live in my hallucinations. Where the hell is that animal spirit?
Borg: We gotta go now. Y'all have one of those things.
[Borg open up a transwarp conduit and disappear]
Janeway: Folllow them Paris.
Paris: A bunch of Ferengi have taken over engineering are demanding we give them Gold Pressed Latinum.
Janeway: Well we might as well not go home now. Lets start back towards the Federation.....
Kim: The Feds kick ass.